Thursday, September 6, 2007

Jai Hind!

I made it, as did most of my luggage. We had a bit of a snag in that I failed to notice that they response email from my hotel was 2 km away from the one I wanted. It's the same chain, and they're nice and clean and had toothpaste in my hotel room.

Let's all take a moment to throw a disapproving look at BA, as they appear to have kept my bag at Heathrow. Fortunately, the baggage assistance clerks in Bangalore were very efficient and had my paperwork all ready for me. We gave them some of the chocolate chip cookies Dad sent with me, which they loved (and were impressed that my father had made them fresh).

Bags are to arrive at the other hotel tomorrow(?). I can by on the clothes that were in the smaller bag.

Flight: slept and watched movies, most notably Hot Fuzz.

Off to sleep for a few hours and then spend the day settling in Bangalore (getting SIM cards, meeting to discuss work for the next couple days).