The City Market is several blocks' worth of shops and stalls. I didn't see any foreigners there, except for one on the outskirts as I was walking out. Lack of foreigners is nice because it means fewer beggars and scams (though in tourist areas, I have the advantage of offers to have my name written on a grain of rice).
It was good to wander around, but I'm a pretty big marketing target since virtually all foreigners are rich (yes, backpackers, you are rich here, too). I didn't actually buy anything--the household goods were not of the same quality I buy (thin "stainless" steel, etc); the clothes were too small; and for jewelry and saris, I need to shop with a local. Any sari I ask about is "10,000 Rupees, madam." I certainly don't mind paying a bit of a foreigner tax, but it can get pretty ridiculous.
Pictures say a thousand words (and I have to get back to work):