I try to edit the entires a bit before posting, and I usually write them when I am stuck without something to do (loss of internet, long car trip, stuck with a few wasted minutes waiting for someone to join a meeting). Lately, I've had good connectivity and not much to say.
To give a general update, I have been working quite a bit. When I'm not working, I get away from the laptop. Also, my life is pretty ho-hum, cricket chachas notwithstanding--I either work all day at home and break for a quick meal, power nap, or workout, or I get up, work, go to GK to work, come home, work/workout. Sometimes I work at different locations (fancy hotels, BabaJob), but for another couple weeks, I'll be putting in the time (and let's hope I'm doing some good). At at that point, I might go on a short trip somewhere else in Asia.
I do make a point of going out a few days or nights--LONG brunch on Sunday, cricket Saturday, drinks/dinner Saturday, Wednesday, and Thursday nights--and put the work around the activities.
I've been having sleep issues again as well as some illness, so I'm pretty tired. So, yeah--I am as boring in India as I am at home. :)
8 years ago