Saturday, November 3, 2007

Other than this--it's pretty much the same

Things I Do in India that I Don't Do in Seattle
- Jaywalk
- Eat breakfast every day (a habit developed when I had to take malaria prophylaxis)
- SMS (Daily, hourly, by the minute...)
- Blog
- Drink more than once a month, in cars, before noon...
- Go dancing
- Shop to kill time
- Avoid eye contact
- Go to concerts
- Drink chai at least twice per day.
- Use a treadmill.
- Use a treadmill while breathing Malathion.

Things I Did in Seattle that I Don't Do in India

- Wear seat belts
- Operate vehicles
- Play sports
- Go out alone after 11:30
- Eat sushi (Bangalore has a couple places, but I haven't been to either)
- Shower for more than 6 minutes (the geyser only lasts so long)
- Pet random dogs (You can get mange here)
- Gain weight