After a long-ish week of insomnia, low productivity, a busted Blackberry, snotty blog comments about Atlas, dismaying work emails and a sick favorite bee dog, I got inspired tonight when I found out that one of my saltwater fish I thought long dead was alive! I scrubbed parts and tanks, swapped out the light fixture on the saltwater tank, tidied up the surplus pumps, etc, and then made fresh saltwater. My fingernails still smell like algae, even after my shower.
After I poured the last bucket of seawater into the tank, I went to double-check the salinity and got shocked. I don't know how long electricity was running through the water, but I probably killed everything, including the little damsel fish I was so surprised and happy to see alive. At least it may explain why all three of my goldfish all died suddenly while I was in India (the light fixture was from their tank).
My life is overall really good (and seems especially so after reading the depressing stories about Myanmar), but can somebody turn off the firehouse of small, dismaying events that has been hitting this week?
8 years ago